eDrive Units

AGV power Pack
AGV Power Pack
The Most Reliable Cell
Your Ultimate Power Choice
Product Introduction:
AGV Power Pack is your ultimate power choice, boasting exceptional performance and durability. This high-performance battery pack is designed specifically for modern Automated Guided Vehicles (AGV), enhancing operational efficiency and setting new standards in reliability and lifespan.
Key Features:
- ● High Performance : AGV Power Pack provides stable and robust power support for your operations, ensuring smooth performance in material handling and other applications.
- ● Long Lifespan : With a 10-year warranty and capable of withstanding up to 100,000 charge-discharge cycles, this battery pack guarantees long-term, worry-free use.
- ● Versatile Applications : AGV Power Pack is suitable for a variety of scenarios, including material handling in warehouses, medical transportation of drugs and medical equipment, power supply for stalls, and many other innovative uses.
- ● Eco-Friendly : Using advanced lithium battery technology, it offers longer lifespan while being environmentally friendly, helping you achieve sustainability goals.
- ● High Performance : AGV Power Pack provides stable and robust power support for your operations, ensuring smooth performance in material handling and other applications.
- ● Long Lifespan : With a 10-year warranty and capable of withstanding up to 100,000 charge-discharge cycles, this battery pack guarantees long-term, worry-free use.
- ● Versatile Applications : Power Pack is suitable for a variety of scenarios, including material handling in warehouses, medical transportation of drugs and medical equipment, power supply for stalls, and many other innovative uses.
- ● Eco-Friendly : advanced lithium battery technology, it offers longer lifespan while being environmentally friendly, helping you achieve sustainability goals.
Choose AGV Power Pack to provide strong power protection for your business and stand out in the competition.
Purchase now and enjoy a 10-year warranty service!
Purchase now and enjoy a 10-year warranty service!
產品介紹 :
AGV Power Pack,您的最佳動力選擇,不可或缺的動力夥伴。具備卓越的性能和耐用性。這款高效能電池包專為現代化自動導引車(AGV)設計,不僅提高了運行效率,更在可靠性和使用壽命方面設下新標杆,為您的業務增添無限動力。
- ● 高效能 : 穩定而強勁的電力供應,支持您的業務運作,無論是物料運輸還是其他應用,均能應對自如。
- ● 長壽命 : 提供十年的保用期,並能承受高達10萬次的充放電循環,為您提供長期可靠的動力來源。
- ● 多樣用途 : 適用於多種場景,包括倉庫內的物料運輸、醫療院所的藥品及醫療設備運送,攤車的電力需求,以及更多創新應用。
- ● 環保 : 採用先進的鋰電池技術,不僅提供更長的使用壽命,還對環境友好,助您實現可持續發展目標。
- ● 倉庫物料運輸 : 高效搬運原材料和成品,提升物流速度和準確性,確保生產流程的連續性。
- ● 醫療院所 : 安全且準確地運送藥品和醫療設備,減少人員接觸,提升工作效率。
- ● 攤車用電 : 提供穩定的電力支持,適用於各類戶外攤販和移動電力需求。
- ● 創新應用 : 無論是在工業自動化分揀、設備補給和庫存管理等,還是其他特殊場景,皆能提供可靠的電力支持。
選擇AGV Power Pack,為您的業務提供強大的動力保障,助您在競爭中脫穎而出。
購買即享十年保用服務 !